With the November Title Update, the New England Patriots playbook got 3 new formation added to their playbook; 2 defensive formations and 1 offensive formation.
The defensive formations are as follows:
Goal Line - 6-2
This formation added 6 new plays:
- 60 Pinch
- 60 Base
- 60 Half Out
- 60 Out
- 60 Out Jacks
- Guts
3-4 Bear
This formation adds 12 new plays:
- Cover 3
- Cover 1 Hole
- Will Sam 1
- Pinch Mike 0
- Pinch Dog 3
- Pinch Buck 0
- Sam Mike 1
- Buck SS 3
- Engage Eight
- Will SS 0
- Cover 2 Invert
- Cover 1 QB Contain
On the offensive side of the ball we got 1 new formation; the Wildcat.
There are 3 new play in this formation:
- Read Option
- PA Slot Streak
- Inverted Veer
You can find the full list of updates to Madden 20 HERE